Art and Debbie DeBrito, Colorado Springs
Real Estate: Homes for sale in Dallas TX
Most REALTORS® are more than willing to list your property, post it on the MLS, sit back and wait for it to sell. Art and Debbie DeBrito's services go far beyond that. They have more than 300 web pages to help gather buyers. They get 1,000+ hits daily from people in this market. Their information is so extensive, they often get calls from other agents who want to set showings on homes Team DeBrito doesn't even list. They will follow up, keeping you informed on all mortgage, title and closing procedures. Contact them today.
Art and Debbie DeBrito, Colorado Springs
Dallas Real Estate
Real Estate in Dallas TX
Find Dallas real estate with the assistance of real estate professionals from VIP Realty. View MLS listings and virtual tours of over 60,000 homes for sale. List for 0% commission. Search Dallas real estate by city or by county: Dallas, Collin, Denton, Tarrant, Rockwall, Addison, Balch Springs, Bluffview, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, Coppell, DeSoto etc.
Dallas Real Estate
Texas Real Estate Directory
Real Estate in Dallas TX was designed as a one-stop destination for Texas Real Estate. They know that the Internet can be an overwhelming place, and finding just the information you need can still be a frustrating and time-consuming process. Their editorial team makes sure of the accuracy of each website. Texas real estate listings, houses, homes, condos, MLS, and more.
Texas Real Estate Directory
Zagros Bigvand
Real Estate in Dallas TX
Zagros Bigvand is a top-producing mortgage professional in Texas, and has started successful businesses and real estate investment ventures such as Go Go Green Realty. It's the first green real estate company in the U.S., using a portion of its sales commission to make the clients' homes green for free after closing. This same passion for environmentally sustainable policies inspired a charity: PhilanthroGreen, which connects people with environmental charities that match their passions.
Zagros Bigvand
Dallas Condos, Lofts and High-Rises: Emily Ray-Porter
Real Estate: High Rise Condos in Dallas TX
The high rise condo market is going up like a rocket. Decide if high-rise living is right for you, and find the right buildings and amenities for your lifestyle. As a licensed REALTOR® specializing in urban living, Emily Ray-Porter offers her expertise to help you find the perfect home.
Dallas Condos, Lofts and High-Rises: Emily Ray-Porter
Renaissance Tower
Real Estate in Dallas TX
Renaissance Tower is a 56-story, 1.7 million square foot Class A office tower located in the heart of the Dallas central business district. On this site you can see the gallery, amenities etc.
Renaissance Tower
Virginia Cook, REALTORS®
Real Estate in Dallas TX
Search Dallas real estate, Fort Worth real estate and all North Texas MLS listings. Find homes for sale and lease, open houses, real estate tips, and serving Dallas, Fort Worth, Sherman, Denison etc. Find lots and land commercial properties. Open houses in the Dallas area, North and Far North Fort Worth, Sherman and Denison Texas area. Office locations: North Dallas, Plano and Fort Worth.
Virginia Cook, REALTORS®
Costello and Associates Realtors, Inc.
Real Estate in Dallas TX
Costello and Associates are Realtors in Dallas, Texas. This site has real estate listings of homes for sale, local information and free advice for home buyers and sellers. You can find great Dallas real estate, listings, get information about home buying and home selling, find a REALTOR®, find homes for sale, find out about Dallas relocation, land, residential properties, search the MLS etc.
Costello and Associates Realtors, Inc.
Total Real Estate Solutions
Real Estate in Dallas TX
This website is a top source real estate answers. It is operated by Total Real Estate Solutions. Find real estate websites, expert real estate advice, property listing searches, real estate discussion groups and more.
Total Real Estate Solutions
Trammell Crow Company
Real Estate in Dallas TX
One of the nation's leading developers and investors in real estate, serving the users of, and investors in, office, industrial, retail, healthcare, student housing, on-airport distribution, multi-family residential, and mixed use projects. For those who occupy real estate, TCC can execute the development or acquisition of facilities tailored to meet its clients' needs.
Trammell Crow Company